Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Post

It is one of those strange days where you awake with plans and sunshine then the clouds drift over the heavens open up and all the plans are drenched. So what do you do?

Clean the Oven - I heard my wife murmer.

The oven has been in need of a clean for a while and I did buy some oven cleaner a week ago so I guess that sounded like the new plan. I will spare you any photos of the process but if you do the correct sort of job on it then it will take you an hour and a half to two hours to clean - this includes soaking and washing the racks and the oven supports for the racks. BTW I soak my oven racks and rails in a sink full of hot water with a generous dash of Nappy San. Nappy San is great at cleaning stainless steel! Just soak for about an hour and then give it a scrub.

Today I had to spray the oven down twice as the first time I used the normal oven cleaner and let it soak for about 40 minutes (good time to catch up on the latest Xbox game) then wiped it down there was a lot of crap stuck hard and fast. So out came the 5 min Mr Muscle - warmed the oven up and applied. Another 20 min on the xbox honing my sharp shooting skill on Red Dead Redemption and then whammo - wipe the oven down to perfection. Another 20 minutes spent on the racks and rails and then it was all over.

Dont you just love a clean oven! What I dont love about a freshly cleaned oven is the smell of the toxic chemicals left in the clean oven by Mr Muscle so I like to roast a couple of peeled and halved onions with some garlic until they are crispy and the oven (and the kitchen) smell of roasted onions!

The oven is now clean and ready to use.

Riveting stuff I know but it is still raining outside!